Iran's foreign minister (R) meeting with head of ECO. October 23, 2021

Iran's Foreign Minister Again Says Nuclear Talks Will Resume 'Soon'

Saturday, 10/23/2021

Iran's foreign minister has once again said that multilateral nuclear talks in Vienna will resume “soon”, after Tehran suspended its participation in June.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remark in Tehran on Saturday in a meeting with Khosro Nazeri, the General Secretary of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) a regional agency created by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan in the 1980s.

Based on a report of the meeting by local media. Amir-Abdollahian referred to his talks with European Union chief negotiator for Iran talks Enrique Mora and said these discussions will continue in Brussels, promising that talks will resume soon.

Iran asked the European Union to have a meeting in Brussels to clarify issues related to the first six rounds of talks in Vienna, but the United States objected, saying such a meeting is not necessary. It appeared Tehran wanted to open a new negotiating track without the presence of Washington.

Iran stopped attending the Vienna talks in June and despite pressure from other participants it has mage a vague pledge to resume the negotiations “soon”. Meanwhile, it is continuing to enrich uranium creating concern in many capitals that it is getting close to having enough fissile material for a bomb.

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