Iranian armor at the military drills near Azerbaijan's border. October 1, 2021

Iran Guard's General Repeats Warning To Azerbaijan

Thursday, 10/07/2021

The ideology chief of the Revolutionary Guard has said that Iran will not allow “Takfiris or Zionist terrorists” to create a “nest” at its northwestern borders.

In recent weeks tensions have increased between the Islamic Republic and its northern neighbor Azerbaijan, with Iran accusing Baku of harboring Israeli and jihadist elements on its territory and attempting to change borders at the expense of Armenia.

General Rasul Sanaeirad, who is a deputy commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) in charge of ideology said that Iran has been careful not to instigate conflicts and tensions over the years, but it had to conduct military drills last week to send a message.

Iran massed large number of troops and weapons near the Azerbaijani borders and held drills, citing exercises by Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan near its borders.

Sanaeirad added that the military drills also send a message to “powers behind the scenes” who were instigating tensions. He did not name those countries.

He added, “Iran opposes any kind of geopolitical changes in the region and regards as important the security, territorial integrity and the rights of its neighbors.”

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