Iranian police officers in Tehran

Violent Night in Tehran As Three Officers Killed in Gunfight

Monday, 05/20/2024

Three police officers were killed Sunday night following a gunfight which broke out after a police chase, with the assailant also losing his life.

According to a detailed report by the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency, “officers from Narmak police station were patrolling when they encountered a suspicious young man near his motorcycle. Upon detecting the police, the man immediately opened fire with his handgun, critically wounding one officer who subsequently succumbed to his injuries at the hospital”.

Tasnim identified the assailant as a well-known criminal involved in drug trafficking, describing him as a “top-level thug” as Iran cracks down on drug crime.

The situation escalated when police officers traced the suspect and attempted an arrest. However, the confrontation quickly turned deadly as the suspect engaged the officers with gunfire, killing two additional policemen and severely wounding two others.

“The gunman was ultimately neutralized by police fire during the shootout, ending his spree of violence,” added Tasnim.

The two officers injured in the exchange are now receiving urgent medical care in a local hospital, with their condition reported as critical.

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