Lawmaker Esmail Kosari

‘We Don’t Just Talk’ Say Iranian Lawmakers As Calls For Israel Retaliation Grow

Thursday, 04/11/2024

Hours after Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s threats about “punishing” Israel, Iranian lawmakers again called for retaliation against Israel’s airstrike on Iran’s Damascus consulate.

Esmail Kosari, Iranian lawmaker and former IRGC commander, said, “We should make them regret what they did; this should be done and it will be done.

“Israel knows we don’t just talk. When we say something, we will definitely act,” added Kosari, who serves as a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian parliament.

Last week, Israel struck Iran's consulate building in Damascus, killing 7 IRGC forces, including two top commanders. According to the Financial Times, suspected Israeli strikes have claimed the lives of 18 IRGC commanders and advisers since the Gaza war broke out on October 7.

Over recent days, Iranian officials have time and again vowed revenge against Israel but have fallen short of making a decisive move so far.

Meanwhile, Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi, another senior lawmaker, stressed the need for a “deterrent” response to Israel.

“If deterrence is not created and appropriate response is not provided, the other side [Israel] will construe it as a sign of weakness,” he pointed out.

Fadahossein Maleki, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian parliament, stated that Iran’s proxies will be key in upcoming actions.

“Proxy groups carried out many operations against Israel in the past and they will not remain inactive this time,” he said.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Wednesday that Israel will respond if Iran attacks Israel from its own soil.

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