General Yahya Rahim Safavi, the top military advisor of Iran Supreme Leader

Israeli Embassies Are No Longer Safe - Khamenei’s Top Military Aide

Sunday, 04/07/2024

General Yahya Rahim Safavi, the top military advisor of Iran Supreme Leader, has reiterated threats against Israeli embassies worldwide, saying none of them are safe anymore.

According to Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards, Safavi said, “The shadow of fear and terror looms over the occupied lands, and the Zionists see the specter of death in their dreams every night.”

He made the remarks as debate continues in Tehran about how to retaliate Israel’s April 1 air strike that killed seven IRGC officers in the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The leadership of the Islamic Republic, and particularly Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei face a challenging political dilemma -- launch a forceful retaliatory attack and risk a wider war, possibly involving the United States, or exercise restraint and look for less dramatic alternatives. However, Tehran’s proxies around the region, its domestic supporters, and even ordinary Iranians opposed to the government might see any hesitation as a sign of weakness.

Safavi pointed out that 28 Israeli embassies and consulates have been temporarily closed because of threats on behalf of Iran and its proxies. The closures “happened out of fear, and it means that confronting this brutal regime is a legal and legitimate right.”

While the IRGC and its media outlets clamor for war and a swift response, Tehran's commentators advocate for a measured approach, warning that the strike might be a trap to drag Iran into a direct conflict.

Israeli attacks have killed 18 senior IRGC officers since December, a trend that has become difficult to explain away by the Islamic Republic.

Many regional countries would like to ,see Iran directly involved in a war with Israel because it will inflict great damage on the country, two Iranian commentators said Sunday. “The interests of all actors in the region today lie in dragging Iran into war," said Former chairman of Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee, Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh.

IRGC-affiliated Tasnim claims that the Israeli government is creating staged scenes near Tel Aviv's Ayalon Highway, a major thoroughfare. These fabricated scenarios aim to portray a failed strike on Israel's military and security facilities, shifting the narrative to a civilian catastrophe. The intent is likely to demonize Iran by claiming their missiles or drones targeted residential areas, causing casualties. “This is being done in order to claim that Iranian missiles or drones have targeted residential areas in the city and caused casualties," Tasnim said.

Earlier in the day, Israel's defense minister said the country was ready to handle any scenario that may develop with its foe Iran as it stayed on alert for the possible retaliatory attack. Yoav Gallant's office made the statement after he held an "operational situation assessment" with senior military officers. "Upon completing the assessment, Minister Gallant emphasized that the defense establishment has completed preparations for responses in the event of any scenario that may develop vis-à-vis Iran," his office said.

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