Hacktivist Group Claims Cyberattack On Iranian Parliament's News Agency

A view from the Iranian parliament
A view from the Iranian parliament

Hacktivist group Uprising till Overthrow has taken responsibility for the recent cyberattack on the Khaneh Mellat News Agency, the media arm of the Iranian Parliament.

In a statement released by the group, closely affiliated with the Albania-based opposition Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) organization, it was disclosed that the attack reached 600 of the the main servers of the parliament, commission servers, main chamber servers, parliament assistant servers, parliament bank server, and other servers related to administrative functions.

The timing of the cyberattack is notable as it coincides with the upcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 1st, which have been marred by extensive disqualifications of candidates, raising concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

This isn't the first time Uprising till Overthrow has targeted Iranian government agencies. In June, the group exposed documents from the Iranian presidential system, shedding light on activities of the Revolutionary Guards in suppressing protests.

In addition to Uprising till Overthrow, other hacking groups have also conducted successful cyber operations against Iran's infrastructure and government servers. Gonjeshk-e-Darande or Predatory Sparrow, for instance, disrupted gas station activities across Iranian cities in December through a cyberattack on fuel systems. Another group, Edalat-e Ali (Ali's Justice), hacked CCTV cameras in Evin Prison and targeted the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) and the Judiciary in recent years.