Sunni religious leader Mowlavi Abdolhamid

Leading Sunni Cleric In Iran Demands Release Of Political Prisoners

Saturday, 02/10/2024

In the Friday prayer sermons on February 9th, the outspoken Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan has once again demanded the release of political prisoners.

Mowlavi Abdolhamid, also raised the issue of detained security forces who had opened fire on protesters in September 2022, killing around 90 civilians. Demanding a real trial, he stated, “the people expect those who committed crimes to be prosecuted regardless of their affiliations.”

Iran International reported on Wednesday that the first session of the trial of the security forces who have been released pending the conclusion of their trial. 

Meanwhile, the Halvash website, covering news from Sistan and Baluchestan province, reported on Friday that this week's prayers in Zahedan were held amidst the deployment of military forces and intense security measures in the city streets.

According to the report, a citizen holding a banner that read "Whoever Votes is Either a Traitor or Ignorant," encouraged citizens not to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for March.

In recent weeks, Zahedan citizens, following more than a year of continuous street protests and demonstrations, heeded Mowlavi Abdolhamid’s call for silent processions.

In his Friday prayer sermons this week, coinciding with the 45th anniversary of the Revolution of 1979, Abdolhamid emphasized, "We hope that officials will change policies in favor of the nation and the people."

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