Wife Of Exiled Iranian Prince Joins Pro-Israel Rally In Washington

Yasmine Pahlavi, the wife of the exiled prince of Iran, during a rally in Washington on November 14, 2023
Yasmine Pahlavi, the wife of the exiled prince of Iran, during a rally in Washington on November 14, 2023

Iranian dissidents, including the exiled Crown Princess, were among demonstrators at a pro-Israel rally in Washington Tuesday to denounce anti-Semitism.

Protests and street demonstrations have erupted around the world on both sides since the Palestinian militant group Hamas mounted a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, killing at least 1,200 mostly civilians and taking at least 240 more hostage. It has since resulted in the most deadly war between the two sides since Hamas took power in 2007.

Iranians have shared their images on social media to demonstrate their presence at the Washington gathering. Among the protesters was the wife of the exiled prince of Iran, Yasmine Pahlavi.

At a recent football match in Tehran, hundreds of Iranian fans chanted for the removal of Palestinian flags displayed at the stadium.

While rampaging and burning American and Israeli flags in Iran is a part of state-sponsored activities, it has been captured on video that university students move to avoid stepping on painted American and Israeli flags placed on the ground by officials.

During protests, "Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, My Life for Iran" has been a common slogan as people voice their concern that while Iran's economic situation is deteriorating, the regime continues to financially sponsor terrorist groups in the region.