Protests in Iran

Protesters In Iran Chant, Set Fire To Regime’s Propaganda Banners

Sunday, 02/05/2023

Iranian protesters chanted slogans on Saturday and held meetings with the released political prisoners, as some set fire to government street banners.

Videos received Saturday by Iran International show that people in Tehran, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas and Karaj chant "Death to the dictator" from their windows.

The destruction of banners and symbols of the Islamic Republic also continued on Saturday. A video sent from Karaj west of Tehran shows protestors set fire to images of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the founder of the Islamic Republic Ruhollah Khomeini.

Protesters also paid homage to the people killed by regime forces by visiting their graves.

A group of teachers and activists visited Keyvan Samimi, a veteran journalist recently released from prison, and expressed their support for Farhad Meysami, a political prisoner who is in a dire physical condition due to his long hunger strike.

While many Iranians have been killed by regime agents, pictures of Ali Khamenei with young girls were released Saturday to present a kind image of him.

Masih Alinejad, a well-known Iranian journalist and activist, said that Iran’s dictator is seen brainwashing young girls. It reminds me of my childhood.

“This regime took us, women of Iran, hostage from the age of seven and wrote its own ideology on our bodies. The free world must take a strong action against this child abuse,” she wrote in a tweet.

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