Protests, Strikes In Universities As Iran’s Unrest Enters 9th Week

Iranian university students protested on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022
Iranian university students protested on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022

Antigovernment demonstrations continued in Iran on Saturday, with gatherings, sit-ins, and student protests in various cities.

In the capital Tehran students of Tehran, Sharif, Science and Culture, and Beheshti universities staged protests to show anger at the apprehension of their colleagues by security forces. Reports say that more than 200 university student shave been detained since September.

In Kharazmi University of Karaj, west of Tehran, students chanted slogans such as, “People, why are you sitting still? You are our savior” and "They have killed students and replaced them with Mullahs.”

The students at Esfahan University of Arts also wrote in a statement that at a time when coffins of young people are being carried, they will not attend lectures, either in person or online.

In the south, students of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences went on strike and refused to attend classes and hospital duties in support of students suspended during the protests.

Students have been at the forefront of demonstrations against Iran’s authoritarian regime within the past eight weeks.

Based on the latest report by the Oslo-based Iran Human Rights Organization at least 326 people including 43 children and 25 women have been killed by security forces in the ongoing nationwide protests.